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My Projects 

Panda Star

Team Work
Panda Star

Full Stack Application

Business Problem:

Users often face difficulties in organizing and articulating their behavioral responses effectively in professional or interview settings using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method.


Created a user-friendly full-stack application for CodeYourFuture users in 4 weeks, application provides user authentication, role management, search and filter functionality, and features for commenting and editing entries, ensuring a collaborative and efficient interview preparation process.

Node.jsReact.jsPostgreSQLJest AUTH Bootstrap GitHub,MiroFigmaJiro

TV Show

CYF Project
TV Show

JavaScript Application

Business Problem:

Users struggle to easily find and explore detailed information about TV shows and episodes, leading to a suboptimal browsing experience.


Developed a TV Show browser with vanilla JavaScript, allowing users to search and filter TV shows and episodes, view detailed information, and navigate seamlessly.

JavaScriptHTMLCSSFetch APIMoment.jsGitHub Figma.



Full Stack Application

Business Problem:

Cafes struggle to handle menus efficiently because their management systems are not user-friendly. Without an easy admin panel, it's hard to add, edit, or remove items smoothly. The existing tools also lack a good search feature, making it tough for cafe owners to manage their menus effectively.


Implement a cloud-based menu management system using AWS services and a user-friendly admin panel built with React.js. This solution leverages Docker for containerization and PostgreSQL for the database, providing a seamless and efficient way to manage cafe menus.

React.jsExpress.jsPostgreSQLTailwind CSSAWSDocker ComposeCI/CDterraform

Video Hub

Netcoming Project
Video Hub

Full Stack Application

Business Problem:

Existing video platforms lack user control, particularly with YouTube content. There's a need for a user-friendly system enabling effortless video posting, deletion, and embedded watching. Additionally, essential features such as CRUD operations and voting are required for an enhanced user experience.


Develop a comprehensive video platform using AWS and Terraform for infrastructure, enabling seamless video posting, deletion, and embedded watching. Integrate CRUD operations and voting features with Node.js and React.js to enhance user control and interaction.

React.jsExpress.jsPostgreSQLMAterial UIDockerAWSCI/CD

Hotel Projetc

CYF Project
Hotel Projetc

React Application

Business Problem:

Hotel staff often face challenges managing bookings and restaurant orders efficiently, leading to potential operational inefficiencies and reduced customer satisfaction.


Created a user-friendly React Application for hotel users in 2 weeks, created a React-based Hotel Management Dashboard for efficient booking and restaurant order management. It features a table of booking data with detailed customer info from an external API, real-time search, order counters, and a section for tourist destinations. Client-side routing ensures seamless navigation




WEB3 Application

Business Problem:

A startup wants to launch a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collection on the Ethereum blockchain using the Rinkeby test network. The business goal is to create a seamless user interface for customers to mint and purchase NFTs directly from their website.


Providing a user-friendly interface for users to connect their cryptocurrency wallets and mint NFTs.Displaying minted NFTs dynamically to keep the users engaged and informed about the collection's status. Handling Ethereum transactions securely and efficiently.

React.jsBootstrap Web3.js Axios MetaMask Solidity Ethereum IPFS
All rights reserved © Fatemeh Rahimi 2024